OSF page

The project has an OSF page that brings all decentralized parts of it together in a central place for FAIR access. This includes the original project proposal, software generated within the project and curated example datasets (among others). Please feel free to have a look around and if you want to contribute, just let us know!

OSF page
BIDS BEP16 conversions

BIDS BEP16 conversions

In order to facilitate the development and adaption of BEP16, ie “Diffusion Weighted Imaging derivatives”, we created a python library called bid_bep16_conv which takes in BIDS common derivative - compliant data as input and applies one of two analysis approaches, either DTI or CSD, from one of three softwares, either DIPY, MRTRIX or FSL, subsequently res-structuring the outputs and adding respective metadata according to BEP16. The latter part will be constantly updated based on the latest changes in BEP16. Its processing/pipeline and conversion functionality is also available as a BIDS-App. Please have a look at the documentation to find out more.

BIDS Atlas

Focusing on BEP, ie the Atlas specification, we started to develop bids_atlas, a python library to access commonly used publicly available atlases and convert them to a BEP-compliant form. Interested users can simply indicate the atlas they want to utilize and specify its spatial reference, resolution and/or distinct version, with bids_atlas taking care of the rest. Besides providing atlases, it furthermore acts as a collection and characterization resource. For more information, please consult the documentation.

BIDS Atlas
BIDS connectivity library

BIDS connectivity library

Extending BIDS to capture and describe connectivity data, as well as developing the respective BEPs requires a lot of literature review. To also make this process as FAIR as possible, we created an open zotero library. Please feel free to have a look and if you want to contribute, contact us.